Task and Finish Working Group Up and Running
The Working Group for the North Down Coastal Path is now up and running. Councillors across the four relevant DEAs were asked to put forward nominations for representation on the group. All applicants were accepted and the final list is as follows.
- Ald Alan Graham, DUP (Holywood and Clandeboye)
- Cllr James Cochrane, DUP (Bangor East and Donaghadee)
- Cllr Peter Martin, DUP (Bangor West)
- Cllr Chris McCracken, Alliance (Bangor Central)
- Cllr Gillian McCollum, Alliance (Bangor East and Donaghadee)
- Cllr Christine Creighton, Alliance (Bangor West)
- Cllr Alex Harbinson, Alliance (Bangor Central)
- Cllr Hannah Irwin, Alliance (Bangor East & Donaghadee)
- Cllr Martin McRandal, Alliance (Holywood and Clandeboye)
- Cllr David Rossiter, Alliance (Holywood and Clandeboye)
- Cllr Barry McKee, Green, (Bangor West)
- Cllr Ray McKimm, Independent (Bangor Central)
- Cllr Wesley Irvine, Independent (Bangor Central)
- Cllr Stephen Hollywood, UUP (Bangor West)
- Cllr Linzi McLaren, UUP (Holywood and Clandeboye)
Cllr Ray McKimm was nominated as the chairman of this group.
The terms of reference for the working group has been compiled and is as follows:

External representation for this group was advertised in the local press and Council Officers have also contacted groups who have expressed an interest. As such For Another Path will seek to request representation and is currently completing the application process. We would hope that due to an ongoing process of engagement with Council Members and Officers, the relevance of our group and the extent of public support, that we would be accepted on this group. Applications are to be submitted by midday on 10th July and we will notify our supporters when we hear.
We hope that this group will provide a very relevant and productive forum in which members of the public can liaise with councillors on the path, particularly in relation to any works which the public would like to see to promote accessibility and enjoyment.
Our group has adopted the stance that maintenance and improvement are important, but never at the expense of habitat and biodiversity. We would also hope that any necessary works could be mitigated along the route, leaving a biodiversity net gain.
A great example of this is the water treatment works at Brompton. Although works were lengthy and extensive, a beautiful wildflower meadow has been provided which will be a joy to the public and also provide important habitat for pollinators. We would use this as an example of great practice and give due credit to Northern Ireland Water for this forward thinking. We hope that a range of groups will apply to also have representation which we expect to include environmental groups, disability, rambling groups and cycling groups.
We very much look forward to engaging with this process.